Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Easter cuteness...
Monday, March 30, 2009
MSU & Monsters
So here are daughter & i below in our MSU gear cheering our team on! Darling daughter decided she must do total green from headband to rubber boots! Ok, it's not MSU green, but it's green & that's what counts when you're 5 (and 1/2!!).
Fridays are our "Mother/Daughter Day" since she doesn't have school. I've been on a real creative roll but hate to NOT spend time with her when she is home, so i try to stay out of my studio on Friday's! We headed out EARLY, like by 11:13 AM!!!! for the 11:45 showing of "Monsters VS Aliens" in 3-D!! I must say, it really was CUTE & funny & 3-D, what isn't to love about 3-D!!???!
Darling Daughter is wearing a candy necklace, so during the movie i can hear her chewing & munching on that in addition to our giant pretzel. After the movie we headed to Toys R Us. As we're walking up to the door she zips her coat ALL the way up & when i ask her why she says: she doesn't want the other kids eating her candy necklace. Really, i say, you think kids are going to come up & just start chewing on the candy around your neck? She says "well, they could". I don't know what this thing is with her where she feels like her things will be violated by other children. Maybe it's an "only child" thing? Or maybe it's just her... Anyway, she loves that video game they have on display at the toy store- you play by riding some little bike thing... we were there WAY too long. I hate the store where we live, it's dirty & i swear they have the nastiest bathroom in the entire city! I feel like i need a hazard suit to go in... just think of all those unsupervised kids peeing & doing God knows what else in there... UGH, it could bring the germ-a-phobe in anyone come out!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
the HEAVY backpack, the giant book & other tragedies...
♥have a great day!♥
Monday, March 23, 2009
Happy "cutie~cupcake" Monday!!
vintage image & vintage rhinestones in a vintage tin!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sunshine Day-aaaaaaa
LOFTHOUSE cookies!!!!!!!!!! i seriously can't quit eating them... see how i RIPPED the sticker right off the box, believe me i could hardly take the picture before devouring them... oh wait, i did eat some, i see the empty slots.... haha! GO NOW & get some... then you can hate me later when you've eaten the entire box!!
Then the fabulous Miss Crafty Juliet (Little Miss Crafty) made me these darling goodies!
Go check out her etsy store & her blog!! She is one talented chickie!!
i found this bird-cage at my fav store: Hobby Lobby! & no, i am NOT getting a bird! i, personally, am a fan of keeping animals on the OUTSIDE! I've been having a little bit of trouble finding "stuff" that is my style & in the New COLORS i've picked out for our home... but the birdcage fits the bill! The only thing that needs fixed- the legs! I'm going to have to repaint those more of a red to go with our furniture...not a big fan of the bologna color! and speaking of repainting... I need to repaint (yeah, yeah, the MISTER needs to repaint- haha!!) the: Master bedroom, Master bathroom, front entry & the kitchen, dining, and living room. Then we can start on the lower level...
and another "HAPPY"... PINK no less!! need i say more?
and then... this!! Nothing can make you happier than your little girl all in pink, wearing Barbie roller skates in the *RARE* Michigan sunshine!!
Have a great day, i'm headed down to my studio- i have been SO motivated this week & am working like a dog down there! Enjoy the sun & go watch that video!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Necklace by: Smashing
Cute print $85 by: GollyBard
Monday, March 9, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My Red Velvet Art "Pretty" Scrapbook
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
yep, i'm really 40...
Yes, he'd been planning it all along, but wanted to make sure it was on a weekend that darling daughter was home with us. Here i was whining & crying to all my friends who were then telling him & probably snickering over what a rotten, spoiled friend they had! My friends are there, there are decorations, presents & a drink as big as my head- what more could i ask for... ok, what more could I ask for???... haha! At this point i realize i have the best husbad in the world!!! Later he told me "a lesser man would have folded under the pressure". He knew if he could just make it to the date he had set up, it would all be good (& it was!!). AND, just for the record: he did give me a gift to OPEN... diamond earrings!
All's well, that ends well!
Thanks to my friends for coming & thanks to my *WONDERFUL* husband for putting up with me & loving me more every day... "you're the best!"
Tomorrow i'm going to post some pictures of the 2 projects i have done for my "Pretty" class that i'm taking online with Elsie Flannigan (see her personal blog above: a beautiful mess). i got a late start & i just haven't ever caught up, but i ♥ what i have done so far: a "color me happy" scrapbook & a jersey scarf.
Have a great day!!