Monday, March 12, 2012

the Lorax, the giant colon and the awesome shoes...

that would be my weekend, in a nutshell!
 (ooooo, and i finished my "twinkie chan" cupcake hat for my darling!  yes, she took her "snuggly" to the movie... the blankie.)

 yep, those ladies are in a giant inflatable colon, how much better could life possibly be?

below is actually how much better it can be!!!
let me tell you, these shoes.... i saw them in the macy's flyer and knew they just had to be mine!  we went to macy's, they had a 5 1/2 (which was a miracle in and of itself, even though i wear a 5, i buy up to a 6 and stuff them full of shoe pads.  kinda takes you back to jr. high when that "one girl" was always stuffing TP in her training bra... and no, that was not me because i didn't even wear a training bra in jr. high, i was still in an under shirt!!).  anyhoooooo, they have a 5-1/2, i have a gift card AND a coupon, so guess who pays $1.32 
for these shoes!!!?!?!?  yep, i'm pretty sure that the super coupon (not to be confused with the super colon) show is going to be calling!!  i'm off to prance around in my flannel PJ pants whilst wearing these gorgeous shoes!
have a great monday!


Angela said...

LOVE the shoes!!

Angela said...
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Maureen said...

Awesome deal! Gotta love $1.32!

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