Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Is it really Monday already?
Did i take pictures of the final products... NOPE! But at least you can see a bit here:
i don't know what it is with me lately, i use to take pictures of EVERYTHING & I've got the picture of my daughter eating her 1st cheese sandwich to prove it!
On Sunday night darling daughter & i carved pumpkins. This was her 1st year "carving" & even though she complained the entire time... she did it! We had these little tiny saws that she used & i am amazed at what a great job she did! AND she still has all her fingers, which is always a bonus!
Ok, i better get in the shower, i was suppose to deliver a birthday gift 2 hours ago...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Birch Run & Cutie Cupcakes...
i don't know what it is about these cut-outs, but i was laughing like a fool!
Ok, i MUST get down to the art room & get busy! I hope to have new cutie cupcakes to put on here tomorrow!! Thanks to all of you passing my blog around, it is SO appreciated!
Friday, October 17, 2008
I'm in ♥ with Chandelier's

Don't you ♥♥♥ it??? I ♥ that black on hot PINK!!

This lady is from right here in Michigan- White Lake! I told her I was going to feature her on my WORLD FAMOUS blog (haha) so she would probably see sales go thru the roof! Make sure you pass my blog on to all your friends! I'm in hopes that my "cutie cupcake" sales are going to take off before this house starts to look like a BAKERY!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
i'm alive....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Updates in the works...
We are the David & Misschell wedding if you haven't & you'd like to check out our pictures!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Soooo... the manfriend is going to need a new title! As of TOMORROW, he's moving out of his role as manfriend (not that we're going to stop our friendship!!) & heading down the aisle. Ok, not really "down the aisle", since we've decided to go to the courthouse- I think you just walk up to the front of a room where the guy/gal with the authority to make it official sits. I know, i know... it doesn't sound that romantic or special, but... we've both been there & done that so to us... we're more worried (NOT that we're worried!) about what happens after the ceremony! I don't like to plan, i hate the details & decided NOT to ruin this happy time with a bunch of crappy planning! Besides what would you rather spend your $ on: a) feeding friends & family (some of whom you don't even like all that well) b) shoes which you LOVE 100% of? I think you get my drift! We're so happy that we've got it right this time and are just happy to be together. Darling daughter is thrilled... ok, maybe the word "thrilled" doesn't really fit... remember this is the child that wouldn't jump up & down & scream if there was a new pony in her room! But.... she is very happy. She, actually, is the mastermind behind this whole relationship & has said on more than 1 occasion "Mom, i do a lot better than you at picking, don't i?". She SURE does!! She ♥'s David & he loves her... & i'm crazy about both of them- it's good in the hood!
Ok... another cupcake. I haven't been in the art room ALL week, but this is one i made last week that is going to be listed in my etsy shop (chinamommy) today (10/09/08).... look for it!
covered in pink sequins, a pink glitter "cherry" & a fleece flag that reads "Now, you all eat slow" (a command from a good Southern woman). Ruffle trim & a vintage tin... awwww!
Ok, i've got to go get married, but i'll be back next week!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
The cupcake IS listed...

Friday, October 3, 2008
Glitter, glitter in my hair...
Hope you ♥ this one too...
Well, we're off to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua... darling daughter's choice! Have a wonderful weekend & feel free to tell everyone you know about the shop update coming this next week at
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Fall Fun!! (must blog in fall orange!)

Ok, it is taking me entirely TOO long to load any more pictures & if i don't get downstairs soon i'll be sucked into to a "who's your daddy" show & i gotsta get cookin'...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Thank you!!