Thank you so much for the kind reception of the "Cutie Cupcakes"!! I am just so excited about them i could hardly sleep last night. I have just so many ideas running thru my head.... beads, & feathers, & glitters & trims - OM MY!! I don't want to take a long time here on the blog since i just returned from Hobby Lobby with all kinds of trims that i am just SOOOOO excited about! But.... I do want to point out this fabulous blog i've been reading by this "sweeter than pecan pie" lady named: Jenn. Her blog is:
If you want to see some OVER THE TOP C~U~T~E, check her out!! She has a house that is to die for & just looks sugar coated!! I need to chat with her about how her husband feels about living in the land-of-cute, but really, it's something to see! She also is an etsy artist! So, go check her out & make sure to tell her Misschell of chinamommy sent you ☺ Here is just a tiny nibble of cuteness that awaits you at her blog:

Off to the studio to "bake"...
♥ My etsy store will be update with cupcakes THIS coming Monday! ♥
Hi friend I love your cupcakes, you know the artsy ones, tee hee!!!
Hey it worked, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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