I'm happy to report no "wanna be celeb's" crashed our Thanksgiving! Which goes to show if the President would surround himself with Amish, it would have never happened! My parents are surrounded by Amish & nothing like that happens at their place.
I did a horrible job photo documenting our family event... Do you know what I got a picture of? This:

That's right, I took a picture of this box 'cause, well... it cracked me up! I love to jog on a mini tramp looking like one! Aren't those VELCRO shoes cool? Were they ever? The underwear over the tights? A look I'm proud I never took part in- yeah, I had legwarmers & giant sweaters, but underpants over outerpants? NEVER! That "man", that kid?
So, let's review: I took no pictures of the food, the house, the family or the kids, but i DID get a picture of a box from the 80's that houses a mini tramp! AND... why was this box in my parents kitchen during Thanksgiving?
Ok, enough of Thanksgiving because apparently is was uneventful...although delicious.
I got this advent calendar last year at the "1/2 off Target after Christmas sale". I thought it was UGLY, but knew with a little love, glitter, & glue it could redeem itself.
This is what it looked like yesterday:
I decided I was going to paint each little door, so I had to sand all the shiny paint off... ugh! I hate the work part, I'd rather just get down to the glitter part! As I was sanding I got to thinking how tedious it was going to be to paint each little door & how hard it was going to be to keep the trim between each door black, so....
I sanded each door then painted the whole thing black & cut some 2" squares from my scrapbooking papers. Mod-Podge to the rescue!! I love how I've had all year to do this but decided to start it yesterday when I need to start the countdown Tuesday! See the pink blur in the top right corner of the picture below? That's Teddy the Yorkie in his new PINK winter coat. I think he's running so his buddies don't see him & make fun of his coat.
I've got a pile of "stuff" pulled to glue on the doors & top... I can't wait to see what I come up with because if you know me, you know I have NO plan at this point! I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda gal!
Today is my 1st crochet class... can you flunk a class at JoAnne's? I better run- literally! I have to go get my run in then run to my class & I've got a sick kid. My *~WONDERFUL~* Mister is going to come home from work so I can take my class.
Wish me luck! I'll report back tomorrow!