Good stuff because i need to quit thinking about the swine flu & the fact that i haven't found a flu shot for my 6 year old & why didn't I do it earlier & how much bleach is too much bleach & should i stay in the house for the winter & on into the spring & will we be one of the weaklings that the flu takes out and.... See why i need to focus on the good?!!
UGH! i like to take my pictures at the best quality (cause obviously, i need to.... aren't they horrible?) BUT i want to put them on my blog at a lower quality so they download faster... I promise you won't notice- did i tell you I have a BA in Fine Art.... did i tell you my Prof hated me (hard to believe, i know) & that i think it was a waste of $ to pay this jerk because i got VERY LITTLE from him, that's right KH- you were a horrible prof & real jerk... oh, oops- did i just vent right there? Moving on: happy, though somewhat poor quality images:
Whewwww- GIANT bottles of hand sanitizer the second you walk in our back door! If you come over- take your shoes off (yes, even YOU!) & head to the bottle(i like to follow up with a thorough soap & water washing too)!!! Germ free zone in here!

Who loves them some puffy Hello Kitty stickers even though they happen to be 40 years old? See the "40" - i took it as a "sign"...

Go buy a box of KIX cereal to get the code for this... so fun! It turns your pictures into coloring pages! Man, did i print out some funny stuff yesterday.... I also made a coloring book of our trip to Maui for Darling Daughter. The link is here in the picture but you can't print them without a code... Give it a try- fun for kids & maybe more fun for adults...

Giant WOK- what's not to love?

This- well 1st off it's so stinkin' cute i can't take it! As i was scrolling down through my pictures I saw it & knew it HAD to go in a good stuff post! This is a few years back when my poor little girl got a broken arm... ok, so i pulled the wagon too fast over a bump, at least it was on grass & YES, i felt like a rotten Mommy.... Seriously, i think i felt worse than she did- she was such a trooper & never once complained even though it was her right arm. Banana sticker on forehead, of course!

I have 1 word for this book: LIAR!.... I've tried it & watched youtube video's ALL day yesterday- still no granny square.... oops that little purple thing is the left corner- more Martha glitter, it was on CLEARANCE... Clearance, i love that guy!

New Bathroom goodies for our 16 year olds bathroom- Target, Target how i love (sing to the tune of the hallelujah chorus)

SNEAK PEAK of my new Master Bed Room:
the color is way off on my computer, it's the color of a robin's egg

i love it! Once the white trim is up I'll post some better, well maybe not better, but more pictures.
FYI: this picture is one I bought in China & is painted on silk. The light switch cover: mode podge by yours truly :)

& perhaps the happiest image of all...
the Mister & his ELK! Yep, he was in New Mexico since a week ago Thursday- I couldn't tell ya cause i didn't want anyone to break in & kill me knowing I was alone with 2 girls & a dog the size of a small cat!
So... the mister came home with an elk & left 20 lbs in New Mexico! Guess climbing steep mountains all day is good for the gut! Who knew?
Have a GREAT weekend!!