Monday, June 29, 2009
Caution: Interior Designer at WORK!!

D-O double G in the house...

Have a great day!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
This ain't your gramma's embroidery...

artwork by Kurt Halsey, cute hun??

i HATE camping (long story, i'll share later), but this... no, not even this makes me want to, but i would love to have a little camper stitched on a T!

~*naughty librarians*~

Julie West... are you dying?

Handmade Nation

and of course i ♥ these little Chinese/Asian goodies:

Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday, monday...
i can't stand it, i just LOVE this picture so much... Ahhhhh...
Happy Monday, monday everyone!
GET YOUR VOTE ON! (pathetic, i know!)
Friday, June 19, 2009
i got beat up by 2 hoes in 1 day...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Excuse me, is that a dent in your boob?

There are certain ladies in my life (whom shall remain nameless) that DO need this this type of support & when they told me the price they were paying for these large luxury suites, i could NOT believe it! I felt like a BIG spender if i paid $9.99! Well, anyway i went on with my $7.99 low income apt bras for years not realizing the benefit of a $38 + bra even for us tiny gals. You see, the problem with a bra that costs $7.99 is this: they try to be nice & give us a little "boost" with some cheap foam and do you know what happens when you throw cheap foam in the wash? Yep, it gives you the look of someone who slammed their boob in a door! I spent years walking around with these tiny deformed boobs! EVERY bra i had was misshapen with a big fold across one boob or a large dent. Now, i probably should have been babying these cheap bras & washing them by hand in special soap, but i guess at that time i thought i could just throw them in with the regular laundry & they would come out looking like their brand new $7.99 self! I will say i did use one of those lingerie bags (& then spent 20 minutes untangling them after the wash) after a mishap with a strap getting hooked around the center of the washer & making a strap large enough to go around 10 people! So anyway the Christmas right before my Mister & i got married, he surprised me with a matching set from.... VICTORIA's SECRET! Have you read the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella? The character Becky has this thing where she goes from one shopping obsession to another: 1st she is all about clothing, then it's luggage, then housewares.... Well, i can identify with this character in a few ways. I would just be nuts about socks (& yes, i have tons!), then maybe it would be pajama pants, then jeans... anyway, i just never caught on that i should be focusing on BRAS! When i first saw the $ amount the mister had paid for that tiny bra, my mouth fell open... i mean really, it's a 34A for crying out loud (no secrets on this blog ladies!!). BUT then... i tried it on & my girls sang with glee! The straps (thought they do have an easy job on me) were so soft-no scratchy fake lace, the color so pink, and the CUPS (if you want to call them that on an "A")- so smooth! After the 1st washing i was sold! Yes, i did gentle cycle, but that had never made a difference before. I can't tell you the joy when i pulled that bra out & she was in the same shape as the day i got her! So here it is, over a year later & that 1st VS bra was NOT my last! I am here to tell you, i will never go back to those bent, deformed, dented bras again. I remember talking with some of my friends about how i would NEVER pay $__.__ for a STINKING BRA!!!! Well, that is not true & i am so happy to be dent-free!
i'm a BELIEVER!!!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Get your VOTE on!!
from Lft to Rt: Rockie, Sophie & Bob
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
oh soooo sorry....

4 years before i adopted my daughter, i worked at a job i HATED: i sold carpet. Now why in the world would anyone sell carpet you ask... WELL, they sucked me in by posting this out front:
Designer Wanted!
Well, i thought, i do have a BA in Fine Art, & since i'm not busy making millions with my artwork, i'll apply. Lucky me, i got the job... Oh, did i HATE that job, i wasn't doing design, i was selling carpet for bathrooms (gross) & spare bedrooms. Now, i did do the occasional design job for new construction, but it wasn't on a regular basis, so most of my days were spent pretending to be excited about carpet fibers. Now, there was one thing positive that came from this crappy job & that is finding my better-friend-half! Christine & i knew we were meant to be friends within the first few minutes... ok, actually it took a bit longer, but that's because i was sitting next to the bitter fat chick & Chris's new desk was back by the bathroom. My manager was nice enough to tell the bitter chick she needed to train the other new girl & i would be moving next to Chris to train her! Score- i got a mental-soul-mate AND away from the bitter chick! Yeah, she was BITTER! .
After i had worked there a couple years a note came down from the main office- there was going to be a 401K, well i can't tell you how excited i was, i'd been meaning to get into shape for quite a while. You see, i was a runner in HS & also in college, i ran after college, and ran for several years on a very regular basis until i bought my 1st house... there was always something to do & i was so excited (it was a REALLY cute house) to decorate that i gave up running for painting & landscaping. But now... there is this company 401K race & i'm IN!! So i start thinking of how i should start training & how i should find out who all is going to participate. A couple days later a memo comes out to let us know that there will be a staff meeting to discuss this 401K- WOW, i'm excited, i didn't know this was such a big deal at the ol' carpet store! I said to Chris "so are you going to run in that 401K?". If i remember right, i just got a weird look & maybe a laugh that i took as "yeah...right". About that time my boss came out of his office & came over by our desks, because, let's face it- he had to think the job was boring too & we were the FUN girls at the shop! I start asking Mr. Mgr if a lot of people participated in the 401K "yeah, i guess", he says. Then i ask "have they done this before?", again "yeah". Well, then i start down the slippery slope, because by now YOU have probably seen the error of my ways... I start saying how i better start training & i'm pretty out of shape & i hope i can find some good shoes in a size 5 (NOT easy to do). Now, Mr. Mgr & Chris are starting to chuckle & i, seriously, have NO idea why. I keep up the questions & am going on & on about racing & college cross country & all the things that are making me look like a complete BOOB! Mr. Mgr & Chris think i'm just being funny so they're really yucking it up until... they realize... i have NO IDEA what i am saying & that i truly believe i am preparing for the road race of my life, not a savings plan...
yeah, a proud moment for me! Oh well, what do i care? i would much rather be funny than brilliant & apparently....
i'm in luck!!
AND if you found this funny, feel free to nominate me for the funniest blog:
i realize yesterdays post may have soured you a bit, but you KNOW i love the attention, so somebody... nominate me & then vote daily for me!! If you need to please review my VERY EARLY post about my uterus or my recent post about the blue jeans van...
and ONLY because i said i would, here are my UNfunny before & after pictures of bush & bushless... also UNfunny because there is poison ivy on my 1 boob... nothing funny there!
Before with full bushes
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
i interrupt this post for a STORM!
Well School is OUT for the summer! Here is my darling on her 1st day of school:

AND... i actually made some cute (thank you very much) girl's headbands in the art room, i'll try to get some pictures of those too...